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Table 2 Comparison of SQ, SDis, SOL, and SRI between migraine patients with and without photophobia

From: Photophobia is associated with lower sleep quality in individuals with migraine: results from the American Registry for Migraine Research (ARMR)


Migraine without photophobia1 (n = 549)

Migraine with photophobia2 (n = 303)


Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

t (df)

Cohen’s d


Sleep quality score (SQ)3

24.33 (12.80)

31.30 (14.88)

-7.17 (850)


< 0.001*

Sleep disturbance score (SDis)3

13.89 (8.77)

17.04 (10.39)

-4.702 (850)


< 0.001*

Sleep onset latency (SOL) in minutes

32.65 (30.96)

46.00 (48.46)

-4.89 (850)

0.35 a

< 0.001*

Sleep-related impairment score (SRI)3

10.15 (3.81)

11.33 (3.74)

-4.28 (810)

0.31 a

< 0.001*

  1. *Two-tailed, significant at α = 0.05
  2. aCohen’s d calculation: small to medium effect size
  3. bCohen’s d calculation: medium to large effect size
  4. 1Photosensitivity global score ≧ 0
  5. 2Photosensitivity global score < 0
  6. 3Higher scores indicate worse sleep quality, sleep disturbance, and sleep related impairment