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Fig. 5 | The Journal of Headache and Pain

Fig. 5

From: Calcitonin receptor, calcitonin gene-related peptide and amylin distribution in C1/2 dorsal root ganglia

Fig. 5

Comparison of the expression of CTR, CGRP and amylin between the C1/2 DRG and TG. A Comparison between rat, mouse and human DRG of the total percentage of the DRG neuronal population (β tubulin III) which express CTR, CGRP and amylin alone or together, compared to previous results from rat and mouse TG [14, 17]. Comparisons to the previous human TG data could not be performed due to the variability in human case immunofluorescence. Rat and mouse are characterised as having no detection of amylin in the TG based on the small amount of cross-reactivity of the anti-amylin antibody Ab254259 with rodent CGRP and clear overlap of immunoreactivity with CGRP-LI [17, 28]. B Summary diagram comparing the expression patterns of CGRP-responsive receptors, CGRP and amylin in the DRG and TG. These key differences in distribution of migraine and pain-relevant proteins in the TG and DRG may result in distinct mechanistic possibilities for paracrine or autocrine signalling

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