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Fig. 2 | The Journal of Headache and Pain

Fig. 2

From: Proteomics profiling reveals mitochondrial damage in the thalamus in a mouse model of chronic migraine

Fig. 2

Differential expression of proteins in five brain regions. A Schematic diagram of five key subcortical brain regions of the trigeminovascular system, marked by pink circles. B-F The OPLS-DA (a), volcano plots (b) and clustering heat maps (c) analysis of proteins in the thalamus (B), hypothalamus (C), PAG (D), TG (E) and TCC (F). a In the OPLS-DA model, the proteins of five brain regions were significantly separated between the NTG and VEH groups. b and c Volcano plots and clustering heat maps illustrated the relative expression levels of DEPs in two groups, with red representing up-regulated proteins and green/blue representing down-regulated proteins (n = 6 in each group)

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