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Table 1 Baseline demographics

From: Real-world effectiveness, satisfaction, and optimization of ubrogepant for the acute treatment of migraine in combination with onabotulinumtoxinA: results from the COURAGE Study


Ubrogepant + OnabotulinumtoxinAa n = 122

Age, mean (SD), years

40.4 (10.3)

Female, n (%)

117 (95.9)

Race, White, n (%)

107 (92.2)b

PHQ-4,c mean (SD)

7.8 (3.0)

MIDAS grade, n (%)

 I (minimal)

3 (2.5)

 II (mild)

3 (2.5)

 III (moderate)

10 (8.2)

 IVa (severe)

20 (16.4)

 IVb (very severe)

86 (70.5)

Ubrogepant, n (%)

 50 mg

54 (44.3)

 100 mg

68 (55.7)

  1. Abbreviations: MIDAS Migraine Disability Assessment, PHQ-4 Patient Health Questionnaire-4, SD standard deviation
  2. aExcluding 2 missing responses, all participants reported that they received onabotulinumtoxinA injections in the forehead, side and back of head, and neck
  3. bPercentage is out of the number of participants with available race data (n=116)
  4. cPHQ-4 scale ranges from 0–12 with total scores as follows: normal (0–2), mild (3–5), moderate (6–8), severe (9–12)