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Fig. 1 | The Journal of Headache and Pain

Fig. 1

From: Exploring sensory sensitivity, cortical excitability, and habituation in episodic migraine, as a function of age and disease severity, using the pattern-reversal task

Fig. 1

Visual illustrations of the checkerboard pattern and resulting visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and habituation to pattern-reversal (PR) stimulation in Experiment 1. A Checkerboard pattern used in the PR task. B VEPs at the Oz electrode, with time (in ms) on the x-axis and N1-P1 peak-to-peak amplitude difference voltage on the y-axis, observed for each block (1 to 6) of the Pattern-Reversal task, and both groups (EM right, HC left). C Bar graph with Block number on the x-axis and mean N1-P1 peak-to-peak amplitude difference voltage on the y-axis, depicting habituation of the N1-P1 between Blocks 1 and 6 (green EM, blue HC). Please note the decrement in amplitude between the 1st and 6th block

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