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Fig.1 | The Journal of Headache and Pain


From: Spatio-temporal dynamics of resting-state brain networks are associated with migraine disability


Comparison of four microstates and temporal dynamics between migraine patients and healthy controls. A. The four microstates recognized by k-means cluster analysis across subjects in the patient and control groups. B. The coverage of the four microstates in each group. C. The occurrence per second of the four microstates in each group. D. The duration of the four microstates in each group. The comparisons of microstate parameters between patient and HC were assessed by using a generalized linear model (GLM) with age and sex as covariates. And the results have been further confirmed by permutation test (iteration = 10,000) using residuals of microstate parameters after GLM. HC, healthy control; Ms, microstate; d, the effect size Cohen’s d

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