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Table 7 Summary of GI AEs across age groups with incidence of ≥ 2.5% in any erenumab group by preferred term (safety analysis set)

From: Safety and tolerability of erenumab in individuals with episodic or chronic migraine across age groups: a pooled analysis of placebo-controlled trials

Aged < 40 years, n (%)

Placebo (n = 597)

Erenumab 70 mg (n = 514)

Erenumab 140 mg (n = 382)

Erenumab 70 + 140 mg (n = 896)

Total (N = 1493)

Participants with GI TEAEs

47 (7.9)

48 (9.3)

44 (11.5)

92 (10.3)

139 (9.3)


6 (1.0)

16 (3.1)

15 (3.9)

31 (3.5)

37 (2.5)

Aged 40–49 years, n (%)

Placebo (n = 421)

Erenumab 70 mg (n = 356)

Erenumab 140 mg (n = 275)

Erenumab 70 + 140 mg (n = 631)

Total (N = 1052)

Participants with GI TEAEs

37 (8.8)

26 (7.3)

19 (6.9)

45 (7.1)

82 (7.8)


7 (1.7)

8 (2.2)

7 (2.5)

15 (2.4)

22 (2.1)

Aged 50–59 years, n (%)

Placebo (n = 262)

Erenumab 70 mg (n = 214)

Erenumab 140 mg (n = 158)

Erenumab 70 + 140 mg (n = 372)

Total (N = 634)

Participants with GI TEAEs

25 (9.5)

17 (7.9)

15 (9.5)

32 (8.6)

57 (9.0)


3 (1.1)

4 (1.9)

7 (4.4)

11 (3.0)

14 (2.2)

Aged ≥ 60 years, n (%)

Placebo (n = 69)

Erenumab 70 mg (n = 38)

Erenumab 140 mg (n = 35)

Erenumab 70 + 140 mg (n = 73)

Total (N = 142)

Participants with GI TEAEs

7 (10.1)

3 (7.9)

2 (5.7)

5 (6.8)

12 (8.5)


1 (1.4)


1 (2.9)

1 (1.4)

2 (1.4)



1 (2.6)


1 (1.4)

1 (0.7)


2 (2.9)

1 (2.6)

1 (2.9)

2 (2.7)

4 (2.8)


1 (1.4)

1 (2.6)

0 (0)

1 (1.4)

2 (1.4)

  1. Data pooled from phase 2 CM, STRIVE, ARISE, LIBERTY, and EMPOwER studies (safety analysis set). The table contains AEs with onset date within 91 days from the first administration of the study drug. AEs are presented at the dose level at which the event occurred, so individuals who received erenumab at more than 1 dose level during the study were counted in both dose levels. Therefore, the total erenumab column may not be the sum of the individuals included in each of the individual dose levels. % = n/N × 100
  2. Abbreviations: AE Adverse event, CM Chronic migraine, GI Gastrointestinal, N Number of individuals exposed to the given dose level, n number of individuals reporting at least 1 occurrence of an AE in that class within 91 days from the first administration, TEAE Treatment-emergent adverse event