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Table 1 Characteristics of patients with migraine

From: Investigating the relationships between the burden of multiple sensory hypersensitivity symptoms and headache-related disability in patents with migraine


Patients with migraine

n (M/F)

187 (26/161)

Age, mean ± SD, years

45.9 ± 13.2

Diagnosis, n (%)

 Migraine without aura

137 (73.3)

 Migraine with aura

50 (26.7)

Chronic migraine, n (%)

8 (4.3)

Migraine days per month, mean ± SD

7.6 ± 7.3

Migraine onset, mean ± SD, years

18.8 ± 8.6

Disease duration, mean ± SD, years

27.1 ± 13.5

Smoking, n (%)


144 (77.0)


29 (15.5)


14 (7.5)

Alcohol intake, n (%)


99 (52.9)

  < 1 day/week

60 (32.1)

 1–2 days/week

16 (8.6)

 3–5 days/week

5 (2.7)

 6–7 days/week

7 (3.7)

Caffeine consumption, n (%)

174 (93.0)


120 (64.2)


34 (18.2)

Sensory hypersensitivity, n (%)


141 (75.4)


143 (76.5)


103 (55.1)

K6 score, mean ± SD

5.3 ± 5.0

MIDAS score, mean ± SD

12.3 (15.8)

Acute headache medication use, n (%)

178 (95.2)

Preventive headache medication use, n (%)

88 (47.1)

Comorbidities, n (%)

98 (52.4)

 Psychiatric disease, n (%)

13 (7.0)

  1. MIDAS Migraine Disability Assessment, K6 Kessler Psychological Distress Scale