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Table 2 Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics of bilateral thalami of healthy controls (HC), migraine with exclusively visual aura (MA) patients, and migraine with complex neurological aura (MA+) patients scanned between attacks. Data are expressed as means ± SD; * MA + vs. HCs p < 0.025, ** MA + vs. HCs and vs. MA p < 0.025

From: Thalamo-cortical networks in subtypes of migraine with aura patients

DTI metrics


(n = 19)


(n = 20)


(n = 15)


Right thalamus


Fractional anisotropy

0.3483 ± 0.02864

0.3372 ± 0.02512

0.3566 ± 0.3286

Mean diffusivity

0.00118 ± 0.00011

0.00123 ± 0.00008

0.00109 ± 0.00008 *

Axial diffusivity

0.00152 ± 0.00009

0.00158 ± 0.00009

0.00145 ± 0.00007 *

Radial diffusivity

0.00100 ± 0.00012

0.00105 ± 0.00008

0.00092 ± 0.00009 *


Left thalamus


Fractional anisotropy

0.3379 ± 0.02513

0.3341 ± 0.02881

0.3541 ± 0.03359

Mean diffusivity

0.00122 ± 0.00010

0.00123 ± 0.00010

0.00111 ± 0.00010 **

Axial diffusivity

0.00156 ± 0.00010

0.00157 ± 0.00008

0.00146 ± 0.00008 **

Radial diffusivity

0.00104 ± 0.00011

0.00105 ± 0.00011

0.00093 ± 0.00011 **