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Table 1 Search terms and syntax

From: The relationship between headache-attributed disability and lost productivity: 1. A review of the literature

{("Headache"[Mesh] OR "Headache Disorders"[Mesh] OR headache*[Text Word] OR migraine*[Text Word])


("Cost of Illness"[Mesh] OR "Absenteeism"[Mesh] OR "Presenteeism"[Mesh] OR "Sick Leave"[Mesh] OR productivity[Text Word] OR productive time[Text Word] OR absenteeism[Text Word] OR presenteeism[Text Word] OR sick leave[Text Word] OR indirect cost[Text Word] OR MIDAS[Text Word])


(disabilit*[Text Word] OR frequency[Text Word] OR duration[Text Word])




("Animals"[Mesh] NOT "Humans"[Mesh])}


("Review" [Publication Type] OR "Meta-Analysis" [Publication Type] OR "Letter" [Publication Type] OR "Congresses" [Publication Type] OR "Case Reports" [Publication Type])}