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Table 4 Carer-reported headache frequency (percentage and 95% CI) for adolescents with recurrent headache, collapsed across cohorts

From: The prevalence and burden of recurrent headache in Australian adolescents: findings from the longitudinal study of Australian children


Headache frequency


A few times per year

Few times each month/

Some days of the week

Most days of the week / Daily


Age (years)



 10–11 (n = 207)

9.9 (6.3, 15.3)

78.6 (71.7, 84.1)

11.6 (7.5, 17.4)


 12–13 (n = 205)

16.3 (11.2, 23.0)

77.7 (70.3, 83.7)

6.1 (3.0, 11.8)

 14–15 (n = 71)

21.6 (13.0, 33.8)

68.4 (55.6, 78.9)

10.1 (4.9, 19.5)

 16–17 (n = 94)

27.3 (18.5, 38.1)

62.2 (50.9, 72.3)

10.5 (5.3, 19.7)


 10–11 (n = 218)

13.6 (9.2, 19.7)

81.4 (74.7, 86.7)

5.0 (2.7, 9.2)

< 0.001

 12–13 (n = 246)

22.7 (16.9, 28.5)

71.8 (65.1, 77.7)

6.2 (3.4, 10.8)

 14–15 (n = 141)

17.5 (11.4, 25.9)

72.4 (63.6, 79.8)

10.1 (6.0, 16.5)

 16–17 (n = 191)

36.9 (29.7, 44.7)

54.5 (46.8, 62.1)

8.6 (4.7, 15.3)