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Fig. 3 | The Journal of Headache and Pain

Fig. 3

From: Improvements across a range of patient-reported domains with fremanezumab treatment: results from a patient survey study

Fig. 3

Patient perceptions of dosing flexibility: a impact on ease of usea; b valueb,c. CM, chronic migraine; EM, episodic migraine. aFor patient perceptions of the impact of dosing flexibility on the ease of taking a migraine preventive treatment as prescribed, patients responded to the following question: “We want to learn from you the importance of having a choice of dosing frequency for this migraine medicine. The dosing frequencies are either monthly or every-3-months. On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is ‘very much harder’ and 10 is ‘very much easier,’ how much harder or easier would it be to take your medicine regularly, as prescribed by your doctor, if you had the flexibility to select either monthly or every-3-month injections, based on your preference after discussion with your doctor?” bFor patient perceptions on the value of having dosing flexibility to allow taking the injection quarterly or monthly, patients responded to the following question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is ‘significantly less value’ and 10 is ‘much more value,’ how much more valuable to you is the flexibility of taking your injection either once a month or once every 3 months after consulting with your doctor?” cPercentages may not total 100%. dNo difference

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