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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Migraine treatment and healthcare costs: retrospective analysis of the China Health Insurance Research Association (CHIRA) database


Adults with migraine (N = 10,652)

Age, years, mean (SD)

51.4 (15.8)

Age category, years, n (%)


958 (9.0)


1736 (16.3)


2222 (20.9)


2243 (21.1)


3493 (32.8)

Female, n (%)

5902 (55.4)

Insurance type, n (%)


7675 (72.1)


2977 (27.9)

Comorbiditiesa, n (%)

 Major depressive disorder

442 (4.1)


402 (3.8)


248 (2.3)


46 (0.4)


17 (0.2)

Hospital level of first visitb, n (%)

(n = 9982)


6686 (67.0)


1384 (13.9)


1912 (19.2)

Department of tertiary hospital first visitb, n (%)

(n = 979)


402 (41.1)

 Traditional Chinese medicine

130 (13.3)

 Internal medicine

128 (13.1)

 Emergency room

68 (6.9)


251 (25.6)

  1. CHIRA China Health Insurance Research Association, SD standard deviation, UEBMI Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance, URBMI Urban Residents Basic Medical Insurance
  2. aIncidence of predefined comorbidities recorded in the period 2016–2017 in the CHIRA database
  3. bFirst migraine-related visit in the period 2016–2017 in the CHIRA database