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Table 3 Mean motor thresholds after median nerve and transcranial magnetic stimulation, baseline and conditioned amplitudes of motor evoked potentials (mean ± standard deviation) in healthy volunteers and migraine without aura patients between (MO) and during (MI) the attacks. (p < 0.05 * MO vs. HV, ** MI vs. MO)

From: Short-latency afferent inhibition and somato-sensory evoked potentials during the migraine cycle: surrogate markers of a cycling cholinergic thalamo-cortical drive?



(n = 16)


(n = 16)


(N = 14)

Median nerve motor threshold (mA)

8.6 ± 1.8

7.4 ± 1.9

8.9 ± 2.7

Resting motor threshold (%)

58.3 ± 11.4

55.1 ± 6.0

60.6 ± 9.7


2460.3 ± 2771.9

2460.4 ± 2327.0

1868.2 ± 1279.2

2 ms (μV)

1407.2 ± 2025.6

1255.6 ± 1272.5

803.9 ± 803.9

4 ms (μV)

1856.1 ± 2173.5

1920.8 ± 2073.9

906.9 ± 964.0

6 ms (μV)

2418.1 ± 2694.6

2821.2 ± 3104.7

1136.5 ± 962.3

8 ms (μV)

2010.8 ± 2008.6

2887.7 ± 2539.6

1053.7 ± 891.3 **


11.2 ± 293.5

242.3 ± 334.6 *

−129.6 ± 173.8 **