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Table 1 All migraine patients grouped by sex, amount of migraine days, number of attacks and previous preventative treatments in their lifetime, overall (n = 1,935). n/a: not applicable

From: Shortcomings and missed potentials in the management of migraine patients - experiences from a specialized tertiary care center


Overall (n = 1935)

Female (n = 1578)

Male (n = 357)

 (i) 1-3 days

367 (19.0%)

286 (18.1%)

81 (22.7%)

 (ii) 4-14 days

949 (49.0%)

790 (50.1%)

159 (44.5%)

 (iii) chronic

 (15 days or more)

563 (29.1%)

451 (28.6%)

112 (31.4%)


56 (2.9%)

51 (3.2%)

5 (1.4%)


At least one preventative treatment

No prior preventative treatment


904/1935 (46.7%)

1031/1935 (53.3%)

 (iv) ≥3 attacks

672 (74.3%)

627 (60.8%)

 (v) <3 attacks

209 (23.1%)

371 (36.0%)


23 (2.5%)

33 (3.2%)