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Table 1 (abstract P24). Data on primary and secondary outcomes Safety: Exposure-adjusted Subject Incidence Rates of Treatment-emergent Adverse Events Occurring in > 2/100 subject-years for total erenumab (Safety Analysis Set)

From: 12th European Headache Federation Congress jointly with 32nd National Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Headaches

Adverse event

Erenumab 70 mg/140 mg (N=609), n (%) / e [r]

Viral upper respiratory tract infection

96 (15.8) / 586.0 [16.4]

Upper respiratory tract infection

45 (7.4) / 624.5 [7.2]


44 (7.2) / 620.4 [7.1]


27 (4.4) / 636.7 [4.2]


26 (4.3) / 638.5 [4.1]

  1. % = n / N x 100; N = number of subjects exposed to erenumab in OLE; n = number of subjects reporting at least 1 occurrence of an adverse event; r = exposure-adjusted subject rate per 100 subject-years (n / e x 100)
  2. e = sum across all subjects, the total time at risk in the study in years