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Table 2 Patient Demographics

From: Real-life use of onabotulinumtoxinA for symptom relief in patients with chronic migraine: REPOSE study methodology and baseline data


6-Month Completers

(n = 336) a

Age (years)


 Mean (SD)

44.9 (11.4)

 Median (min, max)

46.0 (18, 76)

Age group (years), n (%)


  ≥ 18 and <30

33 (9.8)

  ≥ 30 and <40

80 (23.8)

  ≥ 40 and <50

107 (31.8)

  ≥ 50

115 (34.2)

Gender, n (%)



49 (14.6)


287 (85.4)

Weight (kg)


 Mean (SD)

68.6 (14.3)

 Median (min, max)

65 (46, 150)

Height (cm)


 Mean (SD)

167.4 (8.3)

 Median (min, max)

167 (150, 203)

Body mass index (kg/m2)


 Mean (SD)

24.5 (4.5)

 Median (min, max)

24 (16, 43)

Education, n (%)b


 No school-leaving qualifications

6 (1.8)

 Still attending school


 Secondary school certificate (‘Hauptschule’)

69 (20.5)

 Secondary school certificate (‘Realschule’)

116 (34.5)

 Higher education entrance qualification

71 (21.1)

 University degree

59 (17.6)

Employment Status, n (%)c


 Full time

179 (53.3)

 Part time

43 (12.8)


20 (6.0)


20 (6.0)


1 (0.3)


3 (0.9)


6 (1.8)


10 (3.0)


26 (7.7)

 Side job

4 (1.2)


15 (4.5)

  1. aOnly gender data was available for 1 patient
  2. bEducation data were unavailable for 15 patients
  3. cEmployment data were unavailable for 9 patients