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Table 1 Distribution of KATP channels

From: The KATP channel in migraine pathophysiology: a novel therapeutic target for migraine

Subtypes of KATPchannels

Tissue expression

Migraine related structures


Pancreas and brain

DRG, TG and TNC from rats (20–24, 26).


Cardiac and skeletal muscle



Smooth muscle

DRG, TG, TNC, BA and MCA from rats(20–24, 26).


Smooth muscle

MMA from rats, pigs and human; MCA from rats and pigs; BA, DRG, TG and TNC from rats (20–24, 26).

  1. DRG Dorsal root ganglia, TG trigeminal ganglion, TNC trigeminal nucleus caudatus, BA basilar artery, MMA middle meningeal artery, MCA middle cerebral artery