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Table 4 Selected large scale biochemical studies of platelet serotonin in migraine patients and controls

From: Genetic and biochemical changes of the serotonergic system in migraine pathobiology



Material and methods

Cases/ controls


(Couch, 1976) [241]


Platelet aggregation was tested to 1.7uM adenosine diphosphate employing light transmission methods modified after Born

M = 33

NC = 33

↑ platelet aggregability was measured by a) grading aggregation curves and b) by measuring percent disaggregation 3 min after peak aggregation was less

(Couch, 1977) [242]


Platelets, optical density methods

M = 46

NC = 46

↑ migraine patients demonstrate platelet hyperaggregability, lower threshold for the platelet-release reaction and increased platelet stickiness following aggregation

(Deshmuck, 1977) [243]



M = 27

NC = 35

Platelet adhesiveness to glass beads and platelet aggregation response to ADP, epinephrine, thrombin and serotonin increased during the prodrome phase of migraine

(Manotti et al., 1983) [244]


ADP induced platelet aggregation, ADP threshold concentration, platelet malondialdehyde production stimulated by thrombin, Beta-Thromboglobuli level in PPP

M = 30

NC = 30

Significant activation of platelet function

(Waldenlind et al., 1985) [245]



CH = 33

M = 34

NC = 50

↓ Kinetic factor Vmax and K m, = uptake of 5-HT

(Buttinelli et al., 1985) [246]


Platelet Aggregate Ratio (PAR) studied by Wu and Hoak’s technique

MO = 37

MA = 20

CM = 16

NC = 90

↑ circulating platelet aggregates

(Walkowiak et al., 1989) [247]


Platelets and radioimmunoassay

MO = 34

NC = 28

Migraineurs have a higher receptor capacity for fibrinogen in platelets activated by ADP

(Joseph et al., 1989) [248]



M = 66

NC = 64

Increased number of dense bodies; altered coupling of 5-HT secretion from dense bodies and ionised calcium; decreased serotonin secretion.

(Ribeiro et al., 1990) [249]

5-HT, 5-HIAA

Serum serotonin (5-HT) measured by HPLC-EC

MO = 58

MA = 43

TH = 10

NC = 39

Significant decrease in Bmax, which suggests down-regulation of 5-HT2 receptors

(Jha et al., 1992) [250]



MA = 40

↑ platelet aggregation during the aura and headache phase of the migraine attack

(Leira et al., 1993) [251]


Platelets in platelet rich-plasma (PRP)

TTH = 30

NC = 20

No change in PRP 5-HT levels

(D'Andrea et al., 1994) [178]


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Serotonin was measured by HPLC and platelet factor 4 (PF4) with an enzyme immunoassay kit

MO = 41

MA = 62

NC = 26

Increased basal platelet 5-HT and increased 5-HTsecretion induced by both collagen and

(D'Andrea et al., 1995) [252]


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

MO = 41

MA = 62

TH = 28

NC = 26

Plasma and platelet 5-HT peak in MM in ovulatory phase; 5-HT peak evident in follicular phase in TH and controls.

(Allais et al., 1997) [253]


Platelet aggregation was stimulated by ADP 1 μM during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in Menstrual migraine patients

MM = 46

NC = 27

↑ platelet aggregation during luteal phase of the menstrual cycle

(Zeller et al., 2005) [254]


Platelets during attack free interval

MO = 48

MA = 25

NC = 72

MA patients ↑ numbers of aggregates

MO patients ↑ numbers of platelet-leucocyte aggregation and activation-dependent epitope expression

(Taffi et al., 2005) [255]


Platelets in platelet rich-plasma (PRP). Membrane Na+/K + −ATPase activity and fluidity were determined with the fluorescent probes TMA-DPH and DPH

MO = 57

NC = 35

Migraine patients show intercritic changes in platelet membrane fluidity and activity that may be related to the oxidative stress caused by increased ONOO– levels

(Yucel et al., 2014) [240]


Blood fibrinogen, D-dimer, galectin-3 determined by ELISA

M = 59

NC = 30

↑ levels of fibrinogen, D-dimer, galectin-3 in migraine patients

↑ higher D-dimer levels during migraine attacks may indicate hypercoagulability

  1. CH cluster headache, CM complicated migraine, MA migraine with aura, MM menstrual migraine, MO migraine without aura, PPP platelet-poor plasma, PRP platelet-rich plasma, TH Tension headache, NC normal control; ↑ Increase; ↓ Decrease; = Unchanged