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Table 1 The nine domains of quality in a headache service (4)

From: Evaluation of headache service quality indicators: pilot implementation in two specialist-care centres

Domain A: diagnostic accuracy, therefore asking whether diagnosis were made according to the IHS criteria, documented during the first visit and reviewed during he follow-ups and supported by the diagnostic diaries.

Domain B: issues of the individualized management including waiting time, use of diaries and instruments of headache related disability in treatment plans.

Domain C: availability and utilization of urgent and specialist referral pathways.

Domain D: patient’s education and reassurance

Domain E: convenience, comfort and welcoming of the clinic

Domain F: patient’s satisfaction

Domain G: equity and efficiency of the headache care including access to care, wastage of resources, rate of technical investigations and costs.

Domain H: outcome measures including clinical parameters but also measures of disability and quality of life.

Domain I: safety of care