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EHMTI-0025. Clinical manifestations of subarachnoid hemorrhage from gnathostoma spinigerum in srinagarind hospital


Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a serious neurological condition. Common cause of SAH is vascular origin. Gnathostomiasis is also a common disease in Thailand and may cause SAH.


This study aimed to find clinical differences between SAH caused by both causes.


This was a retrospective study and collected data from medical charts of patients diagnosed as SAH at Srinagarind Hospital during 2009 and 2011. SAH caused by vascular causes diagnosed by cerebral angiogram, while cerebral gnathostomiasis diagnosed by negative cerebral angiogram with positive gnathostoma antibody. Clinical features between both groups were compared by descriptive statistics.


There were 18 patients in vascular group and 10 patients in gnathostomiasis group. Most variables between both groups were comparable except cerebrospinal fluid glucose/plasma glucose. This ratio in gnathostomiasis group was significantly higher than vascular group (80% vs 16.67%, respectively).


Cerebrospinal fluid glucose/plasma glucose ratio was significantly higher in SAH patients caused by gnathostomiasis than vascular group.

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Sawanyawisuth, K., Waranon, W., Pongtipakorn, K. et al. EHMTI-0025. Clinical manifestations of subarachnoid hemorrhage from gnathostoma spinigerum in srinagarind hospital. J Headache Pain 15 (Suppl 1), D55 (2014).

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