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Table 4 Comparison of the two techniques used for obtaining masseter biopsies from healthy volunteers

From: Expression of 5-HT3 receptors and TTX resistant sodium channels (NaV1.8) on muscle nerve fibers in pain-free humans and patients with chronic myofascial temporomandibular disorders


Microbiopsies (n = 18)

Traditional biopsies (n = 10)

Mean weight of each muscle section

19.8 (±2.5) mg***

58.4 (±9.6) mg

Mean volume of each muscle section

13.0 (±1.6) mm3***

64.4 (±9.9) mm3

Surrounding tissues



Type of tissue


Parotid gland (20%)


Fat cells (30%)

Adequate muscle section



Number of PGP 9.5 positive fibers per section

8.2 ± 1.2*

2.7 ± 0.2

Area of wound

1 (±0.04) mm2***

10 (±0.7) mm2

Post-surgical discomfort

3 (±1) days

8 (±2) days

Type of discomfort

Palpatory tenderness over the belly of the masseter (100%)

Palpatory tenderness over the belly of the masseter muscle (100%)

Bleeding (6%)

Limited jaw function (10%)

Chewing difficulties (50%)

Discomfort from sutures (100%)

Extra visit to remove sutures (100%)

  1. Differences are presented as mean (±SD) values.
  2. *P < .05, unpaired t-test, ***P < .001, unpaired t-test.