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Table 3 CD-ROM lessons for education control and headstrong group

From: Headstrong intervention for pediatric migraine headache: a randomized clinical trial


Educational control lessons

Headstrong lessons

Week 1

Headache education

Headache education & cognitive-behavioral model of pain


1). Introduction

1). Introduction


2). Types of headache

2). Types of headache


3). Prevalence of headache

3). Prevalence of headache


4). Features of headache

4). Features of headache


5). How headache is diagnosed

5). How headache is diagnosed


6). The pain puzzle


7). Headache triggers

Week 2

Cognitive-behavioral model of pain



1). Introduction to the pain puzzle

1). Rationale for relaxation


2). puzzle piece 1: Nociception

2). How to use guided imagery


3). Puzzle piece 2: Thoughts

3). How to use deep breathing


4). How to use progressive muscle relaxation

Week 3

Cognitive-behavioral model of pain

Cognitive restructuring


1). Puzzle piece 3: Feelings

1). Rationale for coping


2). Puzzle piece 4: Behavior

2). Thought-changing


3). Problem-solving

Week 4

Headache triggers

Pain behaviors


1). Introduction to headache triggers

1). Positive and negative pain behaviors


2). Key headache triggers: diet and sleep

2). Importance of keeping active


3). Review of all lessons