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Table 3 PSG sleep quality, and pain threshold mean values (SD) for controls, and interictal migraine subgroups

From: Sleep-related and non-sleep-related migraine: interictal sleep quality, arousals and pain thresholds


C (n = 34)

SM (n = 15)

NSM (n = 18)

Time in bed

453 (58)

465 (57)

488 (46) 4

Total sleep time (min)

409 (68)

417 (67)

451 (52)

Sleep efficiency (%)

90.0 (8.1)

89.4 (7.6)

92.4 (4.2)

Latency to sleep onset (min)

12.8 (14.6)

13.8 (25.1)

7.4 (7.7)

Awakening index (no/h)

0.99 (0.59)

1.45 (0.84) 4

1.12 (0.63)

Wake after sleep onset (min)

30.9 (26.7)

34.5 (19.0)

29.5 (16.4)

Stage N1 (min)

27 (19)

35 (17) 6

29 (13)

Stage N2 (min)

197 (47)

194 (44)

206 (45)

Stage N3 (min)

86 (31)

88 (25) 3

104 (28) 3,5

REM (min)

99 (26)

99 (38)

112 (32)

SaO2 mean (%)

95.2 (1.4)

95.2 (1.4) 3

96.1 (1.0) 3,4

Apnea-hypopnea index (per hour)

2.7 (3.3)

2.6 (2.6)

2.2 (3.3)

Periodic limb movement index (per hour)

6.7 (10.3)

4.0 (6.3)

8.4 (11.4)

Fast arousal index (per sleep hour)

18.3 (5.7)

17.4 (8.6)

15.5 (9.7) 4

Fast arousal index (per hour REM sleep)

21.8 (8.7)

21.3 (11.3)

18.2 (14.6)

KD-burst index (per sleep hour)

14.8 (10.9)

9.6 (7.3)

15.4 (9.8)

D-burst index (per sleep hour)

11.8 (8.0)

7.3 (5.7) 4

11.3 (8.3)

K-burst index (per sleep hour)

3.0 (3.8)

2.4 (2.2) 3

4.0 (2.5) 3,4

PPTavg1 (kPa)

661 (249)

586 (141)

519 (125) 6

HPTavg2 (°C)

13.6 (3.1)

12.6 (3.3)

11.2 (3.7) 4

CPTavg2 (°C)

20.7 (6.3)

18.3 (6.3)

16.1 (7.4) 4

  1. C: Controls, SM: Sleep-related migraine attack subgroup and NSM: non-sleep-related migraine recorded in an interictal phase. PPT: pressure pain threshold, HPT: Heat pain threshold, CPT: cold pain threshold. avg: Regional averages from either 1splenius, trapezius, temporalis, and index finger or 2forehead and palm. HPT and CPT are expressed as differences from the 32°C baseline.
  2. Mann–Whitney U-test: 3NSM ≠ SM (p < 0.05). 4NSM or SM ≠ C (p < 0.05). 5NSM ≠ C (p <0.01), 6NSM or SM ≠ C (p = 0.05). One control and two NSM subjects were excluded from the PLM analysis and one SM from arousal analysis because of loosened electrodes. Significant differences are emphasized with bold types.