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Table 1 Correlations between test and retest responses 4-6 weeks apart to HURT questions 1-8 (n = 40)

From: HURT (Headache Under-Response to Treatment) questionnaire in the management of primary headache disorders: reliability, validity and clinical utility of the Arabic version

HURT question

Intra-class correlation coefficient


1. On how many days in the last month did you have a headache?



2. On how many days in the last three months did your headaches make it hard to work, study or carry out household work?



3. On how many days in the last three months did your headaches spoil or prevent your family, social or leisure activities?



4. On how many days in the last month did you take medication to relieve a headache?



5. When you take your headache medication, does one dose get rid of your headache and keep it away?



6. Do you feel in control of your headaches?



7. Do you avoid or delay taking your headache medication because you do not like its side-effects?



8. Do you feel you understand [your headache] diagnosis?

Kappa = 1.00
