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Table 1 International Headache Society diagnostic criteria for hemicrania continua

From: Focus on therapy: hemicrania continua and new daily persistent headache

Description: persistent strictly unilateral headache responsive to indomethacin

Diagnostic criteria

  A. Headache for >3 months fulfilling criteria B–D

  B. All of the following characteristics

    1. Unilateral pain without side shift

    2. Daily and continuous, without pain-free periods

    3. Moderate intensity, but with exacerbations of severe pain

  C. At least one of the following autonomic features occurs during exacerbations and ipsilateral to the side of pain

    1. Conjunctival injection and/or lacrimation

    2. Nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhoea

    3. Ptosis and/or miosis

  D. Complete response to therapeutic doses of indomethacin

  E. Not attributed to another disorder

  1. From [1]