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Table 2 The prevalence of PFOs and large PFOs/ASAs in TTH patients versus migraineurs

From: Patent foramen ovale in patients with tension headache: is it as common as in migraineurs? An age- and sex-matched comparative study


TTH (n = 100)

MHA (n = 100)

OR (95% CI)

p value


 Negative (n and %)

77 (77%)

50 (50%)

3.35 (1.82–6.15)


 Positive (n and %)

23 (23%)

50 (50%)



 Negative (n and %)

89 (89%)

65 (65%)

4.36 (2.06–9.22)


 Positive (n and %)

11 (11%)

35 (35%)

  1. ASA atrial septal aneurysm, CI confidence interval, MHA migraine headache, n number, OR odds ratio, PFO patent foramen ovale, TTH tension-type headache