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Table 4 Approach to medication use among patients with headache

From: Prevalence of migraine and tension-type headache among adults in Jordan


n (%)

Seeking medical help for headaches


688 (17.3)


3,290 (82.7)

Advice on using analgesicsa


609 (15.3)


541 (13.6)


1,383 (34.8)

 Others (friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.)

1,887 (36.3)

Frequency of analgesics usage


606 (15.2)

 Fewer than daily to weekly

974 (24.5)

 Fewer than weekly to monthly

985 (24.8)

 Fewer than monthly to 1 year

829 (22.4)

 No analgesics

584 (14.6)

Increase in headache frequency after analgesic use


520 (13.1)


3,458 (86.9)

Increase analgesic dose used over time


877 (22.0)


3,101 (78.0)

  1. aSome participants have sought the advice of more than one category