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Table 2 Frequency, type, and family history of headache

From: Prevalence of migraine and tension-type headache among adults in Jordan


n (%)

Headache frequency


832 (17.2)

 Fewer than daily to weekly

1,243 (25.7)

 Fewer than weekly to monthly

1,043 (21.6)

 Fewer than monthly to 1 year

860 (17.8)

 No headache

858 (17.7)

Type of headache


372 (7.7)


1,749 (36.1)


1,857 (38.4)

 No headache

858 (17.7)

Headache affects daily activities (if any)


2,051 (51.6)


1,927 (48.4)

Other family members complaining from headaches


327 (6.8)


545 (11.3)

 Brothers or sisters

552 (11.4)

 Other relatives

558 (11.5)

 More than one family member

860 (17.8)


1,994 (41.1)