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Unconventional treatment methods in Turkish migraine sufferers


We wanted to document Turkish migraine sufferers’ unconventional therapy methods learnt from their social environment and discuss the historical background and possible action mechanisms of these methods. Unconventional therapy methods were documented among 482 migraine patients who consulted Kocaeli University Medical Faculty, Neurology Department’s “Headache outpatient clinic”. Among 482 migraine patients, 154 sufferers (31.9%) had been using unconventional therapy methods. Among these patients, the most frequently used methods were using a head bandage (25.9%), applying cold water to head (23.4%), massage (16.2%), applying ice to head (15.6%), taking a hot or warm bath (10.4%) and inserting sliced vegetables under the head bandage (7.8%). However, our data may not represent all Turkish migraine sufferers as our sample was drawn from a clinical sample living in the most western part of Anatolia, the city of Kocaeli bordering Istanbul. Determining the efficacy of these methods was beyond our aim; however, a more systematic study about the given case may be even more interesting.

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Correspondence to H. Macit Selekler.

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Selekler, H.M., Komsuoğlu, S. Unconventional treatment methods in Turkish migraine sufferers. J Headache Pain 5, 197–200 (2004).

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