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Table 4 Medication withdrawal in patients with medication overuse headache

From: Imaging the brain and vascular reactions to headache treatments: a systematic review




Imaging modality

and timing of scans



Fumal et al., 2006 [44]

16 CM w/ MOH

68 HC

Type: Medication withdrawal

Modality: 18 FDG PET-MRI

Time-point: Pre-withdrawal and at follow-up 3 weeks after withdrawal for patients

HC underwent only one scan

Baseline: HC vs MOH

↓ Metabolism in bilateral thalamus, insula/ventral striatum, orbitofrontal cortex, and right posterior parietal cortex in MOH compared to HC

↑ Metabolism in the cerebellar vermis in patients compared to HC

Baseline to follow-up:

↑ Metabolism in MOH in the insula, thalamus, parietal cortex, and cerebellum after withdrawal

↓ Metabolism in the orbitofrontal cortex persisted and was more pronounced after withdrawal in patients compared to HC

Uncorrected results and small volume correction for a priori selected ROIs

Smaller sample of patients compared to the sample of HC

No information regarding use of acute medications before the pre-withdrawal scan

Ferraro et al., 2021 [45]

8 MOH without medication withdrawal (MOH)

8 MOH with medication withdrawal (D-MOH)

8 CM

8 HC

Type: Medication withdrawal

Modality: Task-based fMRI w/ decision making

Time-point: D-MOH had the MRI 6 months after withdrawal

MOH, HC and CM underwent one MRI scan


↑ Activation in the bilateral ventromedial prefrontal cortex and precuneus in MOH compared to HC and D-MOH

↓ Activation in midbrain regions (substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area) in MOH compared to HC and CM patients

↓ Activation in midbrain regions (substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area) in D-MOH compared to HC

No midbrain differences between MOH and D-MOH

Decision making involved a monetary gamble with unknown relation to medication intake

Mehnert et al., 2018 [46]

18 MOH

18 HC

Type: Medication withdrawal

Modality: Task-based fMRI w/ noxious trigeminal stimulus and T1w MRI

Time-point: Pre-withdrawal and at follow-up 8 weeks after withdrawal

HC underwent the same protocol of patients

fMRI—Baseline to follow-up:

↑ Activation of the left spinal trigeminal nucleus, right operculum, and posterior insula in MOH patients after withdrawal

↑ FC during nociception of the right medial orbital gyrus with the right spinal trigeminal nucleus and bilateral cerebellum in MOH patients after withdrawal

No significant longitudinal functional differences between patients and controls

VBM—Baseline to follow-up:

↓ GM volume of the left cuneus, superior temporal gyrus, putamen, and cerebellum in patients after withdrawal

No significant longitudinal GM volume differences between patients and controls

The absolute reduction in headache days was correlated with GM volume of right medial orbital gyrus in MOH

Uncorrected results with following application of FWE small volume correction

No information regarding use of acute medications before the pre-withdrawal scan

11 patients started using preventive drugs for migraine during the study

Ferraro et al., 2012 [47]

9 MOH (all female)

9 HC (all female)

Type: Medication withdrawal

Modality: Task-based fMRI w/ painful stimulation of the left hand

Time-point: Pre-withdrawal and at follow-up 6 months after withdrawal

HC underwent only one MRI

Baseline: HC vs MOH

↑ Pain-related activation in primary somatosensory cortex, inferior parietal cortex, and supramarginal gyrus in MOH compared to HC

Follow-up: HC vs MOH

No difference in MOH compared to HC at follow-up

Small sample size

Uncorrected results with following application of FWE small volume correction

Extracephalic nociceptive stimulation

Riederer et al., 2013 [48]

22 MOH (11 responders, 11 non-responders)

Type: Medication withdrawal

Modality: T1w MRI

Time-point: Pre-withdrawal and at follow-up 3 months after withdrawal

Baseline: Responders vs non-responders

↑ GM volume of the right orbitofrontal cortex in responders compared to non-responders

Positive correlation between GM volume of the orbitofrontal cortex and patients´ treatment response

Baseline to follow-up:

↓ GM volume of the midbrain (PAG and reticular formation) in responders

No significant longitudinal GM volume changes in non-responders

Small sample size of subgroups of responders and non-responders

  1. 18FDG18Flourodeoxyglucose, CM Chronic migraine, FC Functional connectivity, fMRI Functional magnetic resonance imaging, FWE Family-wise error, GM Grey matter, HC Healthy control, MOH Medication-overuse headache, MRI Magnetic resonance imaging, PAG Periaqueductal grey, PET Positron emission tomography, ROI Region of interest, T1w T1-weighted, VBM Voxel based morphometry