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Table 4 Complications after first surgery

From: Long term evaluation of a multidisciplinary trigeminal neuralgia service

Surgical procedure

Number of Complications (%)

Type of deficit


41/93 (44%)


Grade 1a (no treatment and no drugs)



11t numbness:

 8 mild, 1 moderate, 1 severe,

 1 hemi numbness (lat. Pontine stroke)

4 p numbness: mild

4 t hearing: 3 not directly related to surgery

1 p hearing: haematoma

2 t blurry vision/diplopia: 1 no ocular pathology, 1 SCA injury

3 t headache/incision tenderness

3 t miscellaneous:

 1t back pain after lumbar drain: CSF leak repair

 1t speech/ facial weakness: physio /speech therapy

 1 fall without trauma

Grade 1b (treatment with drugs)


5 pulmonary/UTI infections: antibiotics

1 wound infection: antibiotics

1 aseptic meningitis/leptomeningitis: steroids

Grade 2a Invasive treatment without GA

(Includes local anaesthesia and ± sedation)


10 CSF leaks: lumbar drain only

1 Swallowing difficulty: NG tube

1 bladder catheterisation

Grade 2b invasive under GA


2 CSF leaks: mastoid repack

4 CSF& wound infections: wound revision & lumbar drain

1 wound infection: cleaned out mastoid area under GA

1st RFT

16/17 (94%)


Grade 1a (no drugs)



6 t numbness: mild

8 p numbness: 4 mild, 4 moderate

1 p reduced sensation

1t dry eye, earache, pulling sensation in a jaw (in addition to hemi facial numbness)

1t difficulty opening closing mouth (Osteoarthritis, muscular pain)

1 t headache

1 p hearing (not related)

1st Glycerol

13/28 (46%)


Grade 1a (no drugs)



3 t numbness: mild

6 p numbness: 2 mild, 3 moderate,1 severe

1 t swelling (around injection area)

1 t dry mouth, hyperesthesia

2 p anaesthesia cornea

1st SRS

3/15 (20%)


Grade 1a (no drugs)



2 p numbness: 1 mild, 1 moderate

1 t severe pain

  1. t Transient, p Permanent
  2. CSF Cerebrospinal fluid leak, SCA Superior cerebellar artery, UTI Urinary tract infection, NG Nasogastric tube, MVD Microvascular decompression, RFT Radiofrequency thermocoagulation, GLYC Glycerol rhizotomy, SRS Stereotactic radiosurgery