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Table 4 Migraine diagnosis and olfactory sensitization in n = 113 patients with migraine

From: Interictal osmophobia is associated with longer migraine disease duration


Osmophobia during migraine cycle

Migraine (with aura/without aura)

preictal hypersensitivity

Migraine with aura: 24 (21.2%)

Migraine without aura: 19 (16.8%)

ictal hypersensitivity

Migraine with aura: 36 (31.9%)

Migraine without aura: 34 (30.1%)

interictal hypersensitivity

Migraine with aura: 16 (14.2%)

Migraine without aura: 20 (17.7%)

odor-triggered migraine attacks

Migraine with aura: 18 (15.9%)

Migraine without aura: 16 (14.2%)

Migraine (Chronic migraine/episodic migraine)

preictal hypersensitivity

Chronic migraine: 7 (6.2%)

Episodic migraine: 36 (31.9%)

ictal hypersensitivity

Chronic migraine: 10 (8.8%)

Episodic migraine: 60 (53.1%)

interictal hypersensitivity

Chronic migraine: 6 (5.3%)

Episodic migraine: 30 (26.5%)

odor triggered migraine attacks

Chronic migraine: 4 (3.5%)

Episodic migraine: 30 (26.5%)

Disease duration (Median, years)

preictal hypersensitivity

x ̃(preictal hypersensitivity) = 20.0 years

x ̃(no preictal hypersensitivity) = 21.0 years

ictal hypersensitivity

x ̃(ictal hypersensitivity) = 20.0 years

x ̃(no ictal hypersensitivity) = 21.0 years

interictal hypersensitivity

x ̃ (interictal hypersensitivity) = 28.5 years

x ̃ (no interictal hypersensitivity) = 20 years

odor-triggered migraine attacks

x ̃(odor-triggered migraine attacks) = 20.0 years

x ̃(no odor-triggered migraine attacks) = 21.0 years

Migraine disability (Median, Midas-score)

preictal hypersensitivity

x ̃(preictal hypersensitivity) = 32.00

x ̃(no preictal hypersensitivity) = 21.50

ictal hypersensitivity

x ̃(ictal hypersensitivity) = 31.00

x ̃(no ictal hypersensitivity) = 23.00

interictal hypersensitivity

x ̃(interictal hypersensitivity) = 37.00

x ̃(no interictal hypersensitivity) = 23.00

odor-triggered migraine attacks

x ̃(odor-triggered migraine attacks) = 36.00

x ̃(no odor-triggered migraine attacks) = 23.00