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Table 1 The nine domains of quality in a headache service (adapted from [6])

From: Headache service quality evaluation: implementation of quality indicators in primary care in Europe

Domain A

Diagnostic accuracy: appropriate enquiry; diagnoses according to IHS criteria, documented during the first visit, reviewed during follow-up and supported by diagnostic diaries

Domain B

Individualized management: waiting time tailored to urgency; adequate time allocation; evidence-based treatment plans reflecting diagnosis and disability, with follow-up

Domain C

Availability and utilization of urgent and specialist referral pathways

Domain D

Patient education and reassurance

Domain E

Convenient, clean, comfortable and welcoming service

Domain F

Patient satisfaction

Domain G

Equitable access to care, efficiency of care, cost-controls and avoidance of wastage

Domain H

Outcome measures of symptoms, disability and quality of life

Domain I

Safety of care