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Table 2 Crude (observed) 1-year prevalences (% [95% CIs]) of all headache and each headache type, overall and according to demographic variables, and gender- and age-adjusted prevalences

From: The prevalence of headache disorders in children and adolescents in Ethiopia: a schools-based study


All headache (n = 1726)

Migraine (n = 900)

TTH (n = 477)

pMOH (n = 4)

Other headache on ≥ 15 d/m (n = 25)

UdH (n = 298)

Observed prevalences (% [95% CI])

 Overall (N = 2344)

73.7 [71.9–75.5]

38.4 [36.4–40.4]

20.3 [18.7–21.9]

0.2 [< 0.1–0.4]

1.1 [0.7–1.5]

12.7 [11.4–14.0]


 male (n = 1157)

71.0 [68.4–73.6]

36.2 [33.4–39.0]

20.0 [17.7–22.3]

0.2 [0.0–0.5]

1.0 [0.4–1.6]

12.6 [10.7–14.5]

 female (n = 1187)

76.2 [73.8–78.6]

40.5 [37.7–43.3]

20.7 [18.4–23.0]

0.2 [0.0–0.5]

1.1 [0.5–1.7]

12.8 [10.9–14.7]

Age group (years)

 6–11 (n = 1011)

68.4 [65.5–71.3]

40.0 [37.0–43.0]

17.1 [14.9–19.4]

0.1 [0.0–0.3]

0.8 [0.3–1.4]

10.1 [8.2–12.0]

 12–17 (n = 1333)

77.6 [75.4–80.0]

37.2 [34.6–38.0]

22.8 [20.6–25.1]

0.2 [0.0–0.4]

1.3 [0.7–1.9]

14.7 [12.8–16.6]

Pupils’ home-incomea

 higher-middle (n = 359)

86.1 [82.5–90.0]

46.8 [41.6–52.0]

21.2 [17.0–25.4]

0.3 [0.0–0.9]

1.1 [0.0–2.2]

14.8 [11.1–18.5]

 middle (n = 604)

73.3 [69.8–76.8]

31.6 [27.9–35.3]

23.8 [20.4–27.2]

0.5 [0.0–1.1]

1.3 [0.4–2.2]

15.2 [12.3–18.1]

 lower-middle (n = 573)

75.7 [72.2–79.2]

40.8 [36.8–44.8]

21.1 [17.8–24.4]

0.0 [0.0–0.0]

1.2 [0.3–2.1]

11.3 [8.7–13.9]

 low (n = 808)

66.8 [63.6–70.1]

38.0 [34.7–41.4]

16.8 [14.2–19.4]

0.0 [0.0–0.0]

0.7 [0.1–1.3]

10.9 [8.8–13.0]

School locality

 urban (n = 849)

79.6 [76.9–82.3]

43.3 [40.0–46.6]

21.2 [18.5–24.0]

0.1 [0.0–0.3]

1.2 [0.5–1.9]

12.7 [10.5–14.9]

 semi-rural (n = 1173)

71.1 [68.5–73.7]

35.3 [32.6–38.0]

20.4 [18.1–22.7]

0.3 [0.0–0.6]

1.2 [0.6–1.8]

13.4 [11.5–15.3]

 rural (n = 322)

67.1 [62.0–72.2]

36.6 [31.3–41.9]

18.0 [13.8–22.2]

0.0 [0.0–0.0]

0.3 [0.0–0.9]

10.2 [6.9–13.5]

Gender- and age-adjusted prevalences (% [95% CI])

 Overall (N = 2344)

72.8 [71.0–74.6]

38.6 [36.6–40.6]

19.9 [18.3–21.5]

0.2 [< 0.1–0.4]

1.0 [0.6–1.4]

12.3 [11.0–13.6]

  1. CI confidence interval, TTH tension-type headache, pMOH probable medication-overuse headache, d/m days/month, UdH undifferentiated headache; a see text or Table 1 for explanation. Odds ratios for associations with demographic variables are in Table 4, and adjusted odds ratios in Table 5