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Table 4 Differences in marginal means and 95% confidence intervals

From: Influence of hemispheric white matter lesions and migraine characteristics on cortical thickness and volume


Mean Differencea (95% Confidence Interval for Differenceb)

L+ minus L-

L+ minus C

L- minus C

Frontal thickness (mm)

−0.0002 (−0.037 to 0.037)

0.026 (−0.019 to 0.072)

0.027 (− 0.013 to 0.066)

Parietal thickness (mm)

0.016 (−0.024 to 0.056)

0.006 (− 0.044 to 0.055)

− 0.010 (− 0.053 to 0.032)

Temporal thickness (mm)

0.010 (− 0.033 to 0.052)

0.029 (− 0.023 to 0.082)

0.019 (− 0.026 to 0.065)

Occipital thickness (mm)

0.002 (− 0.033 to 0.038)

0.021 (− 0.023 to 0.064)

0.018 (− 0.020 to 0.056)

Insula thickness (mm)

−0.004 (− 0.059 to 0.051)

0.012 (− 0.055 to 0.080)

0.016 (− 0.042 to 0.075)

Frontal volume (mm3)

− 1217 (− 5905 to 3470)

200 (− 5539 to 5938)

1417 (− 3527 to 6361)

Parietal volume (mm3)

− 270 (− 3560 to 3020)

−767 (− 4795 to 3260)

− 497 (− 3967 to 2972)

Temporal volume (mm3)

− 1944 (− 4803 to 915)

− 336 (− 3836 to 3164)

1608 (− 1407 to 4623)

Occipital volume (mm3)

−422 (− 2073 to 1229)

704 (− 1315 to 2724)

1126 (− 616 to 2868)

Insula volume (mm3)

84 (− 290 to 459)

139 (− 323 to 600)

54 (− 346 to 455)

  1. L+: Migraine patients with lesions; L-: Migraine patients without lesions; C: Control subjects
  2. Differences in marginal means are presented as mean (95% confidence interval for the difference)
  3. aBased on estimated marginal means (adjusted for age in case of thickness; adjusted for age and ICV in case of volume)
  4. bAdjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni