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Table 1 Selected previous studies of comorbidity in cluster headache

From: The comorbidity burden of patients with cluster headache: a population-based study

Author, Year

Population, setting




Ferrari, 2013 [15]

200 consecutive male and female CH patients from Italian headache clinic

Cross-sectional survey study

60% were current, 21% former, 19% never smokers.

No change in headache noted in those who had stopped smoking.

Kudrow, 1976 [16]

140 male and female CH patients vs. controls from a California headache clinic and healthy outpatients

Cross-sectional chart review

Men with CH had a statistically significantly higher prevalence of peptic ulcer disease compared with controls. No increased risk of coronary artery disease was demonstrated.


Lambru, 2010 [17]

200 male CH patients and 200 migraine controls from Italian headache clinic

Cross-sectional chart review

Prevalence of traumatic head injuries 38.5% in those with CH vs. 23% in controls (OR 2.0 (95% CI 1.3 to 4.9). Prevalence of alcohol use was 74.5% and cigarette smoking 75% in those with CH.

Only males included in this study.

Liang, 2013 [18]

673 male and female CH patients from a Taiwanese National Health Database

Retrospective cohort study with 2.5 year median follow-up duration

3.6% developed depression over study period. Adjusted HR 5.6% vs. controls but not different from those with migraine; number of bouts/year of CH a risk factor for depression.

Study limited to patients diagnosed by neurologist and prescribed standard CH drugs; excluding those with previous psychiatric diagnoses (104 of original 777; 13%).

Pietrini, 2005 [19]

60 consecutive male and female CH patients seen at an Italian headache center

Cross-sectional, based on study examination

35% had hypertension, defined as blood pressure ≥ 140/90 on average of 3 blood pressure readings.

The authors concluded that the prevalence of hypertension in this group was within expected range given age and sex.

Robbins, 2012 [20]

49 consecutive male and female CH patients seen in a New York headache clinic over a 3.5 year period

Cross-sectional chart review

Prevalence of depression (PHQ ≥ 1 0) was 6.3% in episodic CH, 11.8% in chronic CH; Anxiety (GAD-7 ≥ 10) prevalence was 15.6% in episodic CH and 11.8% in chronic CH. Prevalence of hypertension was 14%, current or former cigarette smoking was 65.3% and GERD was 8%.


Rossi, 2012 [21]

210 consecutive male and female CH patients from two Italian headache centers

Cross-sectional interview and anonymous survey data

92.5% of male CH patients and 85.4% of female CH patients reported current or past use of tobacco, statistically significantly higher than prevalence in general population.

Self reported data on substance use.

Rozen, 2012 [22]

1134 US male and female CH patients responding to an internet survey

Cross-sectional survey (internet)

Prevalence of depression was 24%, suicidal ideation was reported by 55%, sleep apnea by14%, restless leg syndrome by 11%, asthma by 9%. 73% were current or former smokers; 51% had been smoking at the time CH began. 65% used alcohol but only 3% reported a history of alcohol abuse. The prevalence of coronary problems was low: 1% had a history of myocardial infarction, 0.3% bypass surgery and 1% stent placement. Peptic ulcer disease was reported by 5%, diabetes by 3% and epilepsy by 1%.

Unlikely to be a representative sample of patients with CH due to self-selected nature of participants. Diagnosis not medically verified. Respondents compared with the US population in general rather than matched controls. Data should be interpreted cautiously.

Van Alboom, 2009 [9]

85 male and female CH patients from 4 Belgian neurology clinics

Cross-sectional chart review

45% had been diagnosed with migraine, 23% with sinusitis, tooth/jaw problems 23%, trigeminal neuralgia 16%.

Average diagnostic delay was reported to be 44 months.

Voiticovschi –Iosob, 2014 [23]

144 male and female Italian and Eastern European patients with episodic cluster headache

Cross-sectional (diagnostic interview and survey)

16% of CH patients had previously been diagnosed with sinusitis; 4.2% with dental disorders.

Average delay between onset of symptoms and diagnosis in this sample was 5.3 years. 10.4% had consulted an otolaryngologist and 2.8% a dentist.

Xie, 2013 [24]

26 male and female CH patients identified by survey in tertiary Chinese headache clinic

Cross-sectional (diagnostic interview)

14/26 (54%) were current smokers, 19.2% former and 26.9% nonsmokers.

The reported prevalence of smoking in those with CH is in line with that in the general population of Chinese men. According to 2010 data, 53% of Chinese men and 2.4% of women are smokers.

Zidverc-Trajkovic, 2011 [8]

130 consecutive male and female CH patients and 982 with migraines in a specialty headache clinic

Cross-sectional chart review

Prevalence of anxiety or depression in CH was 4.6%, chronic sinusitis 3.6% diabetes mellitus 3.8%.

  1. Abbreviations: CH cluster headache, GAD-7 generalized anxiety disorder 7-item scale, GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease, HR hazard ratio, ICHD International classification of headache disorders, OR odds ratio, PHQ-9 patient health questionnaire 9-item scale