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Table 2 Studies on the role of CGRP in visceral pain

From: Calcitonin gene-related peptide and pain: a systematic review



Reported pain as part of phenotype

Method and sample size

Source of CGRP


Duration of the investigated condition

Correlation between CGRP level and pain

Arellano, 2011[1]

Investigate nerve growth factor role in development of pelvic pain in patients with endometriosis

Pain from endometriosis

Peritoneal fluids from 65 patients, 54 with pain, 11 without pain.

22 controls, where 12 reported pelvic pain

Peritoneal fluid

CGRP-neurite outgrowth was seen in patients


The CGRP-neurite outgrowth did not correlate with pain symptoms

Büchler, 1992 [2]

Identify characteristics of peptidergic innervation in patients with chronic pancreatitis

Pain from chronic pancreatitis

Pancreatic tissue from 20 patients compared to 10 organ donors

Tissue biopsies

(pancreatic tissue)

CGRP-immunostaining was intensified in patients



Mönnikes, 2005 [3]

Assess whether functional dyspepsia (FD) patients have altered mucosal CGRP concentrations

Pain from functional dyspepsia

Gastric mucosal biopsies from 13 patients and 18 controls.

Biopsies were taken during gastric distention

Tissue biopsies

(gastric mucosa)

No difference in CGRP-levels between patients and controls

The gastric distention took up to 80 min

A negative correlation between CGRP concentrations and pain was observed in patients.

No such correlation was found in controls

Tokushige, 2006 [4]

Determine the nerve fibers in patients with peritoneal endometriosis

Pain from endometriosis

Peritoneal endometriotic tissue from 40 patients and 36 healthy controls. Also 9 specimens from endosalpingiosis lesions were prepared

Tissue biopsies

(endometriotic tissue)

Increase of CGRP-nerve fibers in patients, compared to controls and endosalpingiosis lesions



Tokushige, 2007 [5]

Investigate types of nerve fibers in endometrium and myometrium in women with endometriosis

Pain from endometriosis

Tissue biopsies from 10 patients and 35 controls.

All tissue biopsies were taken during hysterectomy

Tissue biopsies

(endometriotic tissue)

Increased nerve fiber densities compared to controls



Tympanidis, 2003 [6]

Evaluate nerve fiber density and pattern in patients with vulvodynia

Pain from vulvodynia

Biopsies from the wall of the vulval vestibule from 12 patients and 8 controls

Tissue biopsies

(vulval vestibule)

No difference in CGRP-immunostaining between patients and controls



Währborg, 1999 [7]

Clarify potential involvement of CGRP in anginal pain and myocardial ischemia in humans

Chest pain from angina and acute myocardial infarction

Plasma from 87 patients with AMI compared to 14 patients with severe angina pectoris



No difference in CGRP-levels between patients with AMI and angina pectoris

At least 15 min

No correlation between CGRP-levels and pain

Yoshida, 2013 [8]

Estimate expression of CGRP in esophageal mucosa in nonerosive reflux disease (NERD) patients

Pain due to NERD

Biopsies from 24 patients, compared to 24 controls

Tissue biopsies

(esophageal mucosa)

No difference in CGRP-levels between patients and controls