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Table 2 Subcategories of main categories

From: Holding on to the indispensable medication –A grounded theory on medication use from the perspective of persons with medication overuse headache

Main categories


Headaches threaten to ruin one’s life

Headaches are unbearable


An extra burden in everyday life


Having to make life adjustments


Struggling to be able to work


Being forced to cancel important events

Medication as the only solution

Searching for explanations


Testing numerous strategies


Scepticism towards prophylactic medication


Resignation: Nothing but the medication helps


Always having the medication at hand

Short-sighted medication use

Taking medication because one has to, not because one chooses to


Focusing solely on the headaches when deciding whether to medicate


Avoidance of tracking medication use


Increased medication use during stressful periods in life


Perceptions about the link between increasing headaches and medication use