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Table 1 Items from headache questionnaires related to headache diagnosis

From: Self-reported headache among the employees of a Swiss university hospital: prevalence, disability, current treatment, and economic impact


Type 1:

Type 2:

a) Headache is

□ one-sided □ bilateral

□ one-sided □ bilateral

b) Headache is

□ pulsating/throbbing

□ pulsating/throbbing

□ dull/pressing

□ dull/pressing

c) Daily activities are impaired (can still be performed) but not inhibited (cannot be performed anymore)

□ yes □ no

□ yes □ no

d) Headache worsened by physical activity

□ yes □ no

□ yes □ no

e) Nausea

□ yes □ no

□ yes □ no

f) Vomitting

□ yes □ no

□ yes □ no

g) Sensitivity to light

□ yes □ no

□ yes □ no

h) Sensitivity to noise

□ yes □ no

□ yes □ no

i) One or more completely reversible neurologic deficiencies (impaired vision or speech disorder)

□ yes □ no

□ yes □ no