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Table 1 Unit cost estimates used for the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany (in €2010)

From: Cost of healthcare for patients with migraine in five European countries: results from the International Burden of Migraine Study (IBMS)

Cost measure

Unit costs






Primary care physician visit

€55 [34]

€23 [31]

€24 [35]

€32 [36]

€32 [32]

Neurologist/headache specialist visit

€165 [33]

€35 [31]

€24 [35]

€54 [36]

€32 [32]

Nurse practitioner/physician assistant visit

€13 [34]

€10 [31]


€13 [36]


OB/GYN visit

€114 [33]

€23 [31]

€24 [35]

€45 [36]

€28 [32]

Pain specialist visit

€126 [33]

€23 [31]

€24 [35]

€54 [36]

€24 [32]

Psychologist visit

€54 [34]


€20 [35]

€32 [36]


Psychiatrist visit

€250 [33]

€35 [31]

€20 [35]

€45 [36]

€19 [32]

Social worker visit

€47 [34]





ER or urgent care visit

€106 [33]

€25 [46]


€125 [46]


Inpatient hospital stay daily cost

€424 [33]

€402 [31]

€270 [43]

€485 [45]

€402 [44]

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

€270 [33]

€69 [31]

€236 [35]

€166 [37]

€138 [32]

Computed tomography (CT)

€132 [33]

€25 [31]

€99 [35]

€199 [38]

€72 [32]

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

€135 [33]

€60 [31]

€24 [35]

€167 [36]

€38 [32]

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

€38 [33]

€14 [31]

€12 [35]

€7 [39]

€11 [32]


€28 [33]

€24 [31]

€25 [35]

€37 [36]

€13 [32]

Blood tests

Various [33]

Various [31]

Various [35]

Various [38]

Various [32]

Botulinum toxin A injection

Injection component






Botulinum toxin A drug component

€309 [51]

€450 [52]

€320 [50]

€438 [39]

€625 [49]

Transcutaneous nerve stimulator (TENS)

€53 [33]

€7 [31]

€11 [35]

€24 [39]

€7 [32]


€45 [40]

€47 [41]

€18 [35]

€60 [42]

€32 [32]

Occipital nerve block

€247 [33]

€84 [31]


€132 [39]



Various [47]

Various [31]

Various [50]

Various [48]

Various [49]

  1. NA unit cost was not found for resource use item
  2. aCost estimate for specialist not found; assumed to be equal to psychiatrist visit
  3. bAssumption, ER care = 2× cost of GP physician visit
  4. cAssume injection cost is the same as a neurologist visit