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Table 1 Prevalence of migraine in bipolar disorder from previous studies

From: Psychiatric comorbidity in patients with chronic daily headache and migraine: a selective overview including personality traits and suicide risk



Sample size

Migraine prevalence (%)

Blehar et al. (1998)

Medical section of DIGS

N = 327

F = 186

Total 21.1

Females 26.5

Cassidy and Flanagan (1957)

Self-report of headache

N = 100

Total 49.0

Mahmood et al. (1999)

Self-report of IHS migraine criteria

N = 81

F = 37

Total 25.9

Females 27.0

Marchesi et al. (1989)

Diagnosis by neurologist

N = 30

Total 20.0

Fasmer (2001)

Administered IHS migraine criteria

N = 27

Bipolar I 13.0

Bipolar II 77.0

Younes et al. (1986)

Mother’s report of past diagnosis of migraine

N = 21

Total 28.6

Females = 0

Male = 21

  1. DIGS Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies, IHS International Headache Society